
What We Do


Payroll Services


Standard Payroll Services

Our standard payroll services include calculation of all payroll information with necessary reports provided to you for the preparation of payroll checks. We will inform you of all tax deposits and the dates by which they must be deposited. We will provide you with all reports for federal, state and local filing in a quarterly prepared package. Payroll worksheets will be provided along with a new hire package to assist you in gathering all necessary information.

Direct Deposit & Check Services

Want to save precious work time? Stop your employees from running to the bank every payday to cash that paycheck? Offer your employees direct deposit. They will love it! And so will you! No more reconciling each individual check. Just one number will be drafted from your bank account and we make sure that it gets delivered to your employees account on payday. Your employees can even split their check into as many bank accounts as they would like. This encourages savings and most employees love to have that option.

Vendor Checks

Do you have a child support or uniform company to pay each week after you finish processing your company’s payroll? We can help simplify the process for you by having the check written with each payroll. We can even mail it, so you never worry about forgetting it.




In most states, an employer is required to verify all new hires through the E-Verify system. This process checks to make sure your new hire has a valid social security number and is eligible to work in the United States. We are happy to E-verify for you, one less thing you have to worry about.

Laser Signature

Are you tired of signing all those paychecks? Your paychecks are delivered signed and sealed in envelopes ready to give your employees on pay day.


We offer bookkeeping services on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Services include compilation of a financial statement from your income and expense records and the reconciliation of bank statements.

Human Resources


Pre-Employment Screening

Due diligence and pre-employment background checks can protect businesses from future expenses and potentially devastating law suits. These investigations can be tailored to fit the needs of any industry and can be used not only to assist business owners in the hiring process, but also individuals that are participating in potential and ongoing law suits involving circumstances in which due diligence should have been performed.


Are you worried about check fraud? Or are you tired of trying to keep track of all of those tax payments? Let us help you by writing your employees paychecks from our bank account. We can also draft the money for withholding taxes each pay-date so that you will never worry about a tax payment being drafted a month later. This helps to alleviate time consuming bank reconciliations and cash flow issues. Let us do the work for you.


We are pleased to offer Southern Payroll Timekeeping. It is a web based time clock program that is easy to use. Whether you choose an actual time clock or a web clock, the hassle of collecting time cards, adding hours, and submitting them to your payroll professionals is eliminated. Studies have shown that automated payroll calculation cuts preparation time by up to 80%, saving you time and money. For more information, please click on the Southern Payroll Timekeeping link on our home page.



W-2’s & 1099’s

Let us help you have a smooth year end by eliminating the burden of preparing all of those W-2’s. We will process your employee’s W-2’s\1099’s early enough for you to get them out to your employees prior to the January 31 deadline. We are fully equipped to process any 1099 that you might need.

Tax Reporting With E-filing

Never miss a tax payment deadline again. Penalties and interest can add a lot to a tax deposit even doubling it in some cases. The Internal Revenue Service is demanding that more and more of employers file their withholding taxes electronically. By allowing us to pay your withholding taxes electronically for your company, you can rest assured that you will never pay penalties and interest again.

Customized Payroll Reporting

We will custom design any report to make it as easy as you need to find those figures that you will use each pay week. We can even create those pesky 401k reports that your benefits company may require on a weekly basis. If you would like us to, we will submit those benefit reports for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.


With Mindy, I can always expect reports making my payroll prep easier than ever.
— Angela B.